Terms & Conditions
Waiver & Medial Statement
I hereby state that, to the best of my knowledge, my answers to the questions on this form are complete and correct. I give specific permission for the Beyond The Game Flag Football League powered by Flossin Fit (BTGFFL) to have emergency medical treatment rendered to me in the event I am injured during the course of any BTGFFL activity and agree that the physicians and/or medical providers who render such treatments do so with my specific authority. I further agree to pay all charges related to any such emergency medical treatment rendered to me and agree to hold harmless and indemnify the BTGFFL, its member associations, coaches and other officials from any and all responsibility for the payment of each medical expense. I further agree as a participant in the BTGFFL to hold harmless and release the BTGFFL, its officers and directors, its member associations, its coaches and officials from any cause of action results from my participation or any of my family members’ participation in any BTGFFL activity.
Gwinnett County Park & Recreation Guidelines
Smoking and drinking is prohibited
COVID Policy
We will adhere to all local, state and federal ordinances regarding COVID-19. Please see additional considerations pertaining to COVID-19:
Participants can wear the brackets under a mask, they can breathe easy while remaining protected.
Require the consistent and correct use of masks, by making sure that staff, athletes, and spectators are covering their noses and mouths.
Only removing masks as needed when 6ft away from other players.
Check temperatures upon arrival.
Encourage athletes and coaches to wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Encourage participants and coaches to wait in their cars until just before the beginning of a practice, warm-up, or game, instead of forming a group.
Remind athletes upon arrival at the facility or field to maintain at least 6 feet of distance between themselves and people they don’t live with.
If keeping physical distance is difficult with participants in competition or group practice, consider relying on individual skill work and drills.
Increase distance for high-intensity activities.
Consider having additional masks on hand in case a player forgets one or needs to replace a moist mask with a dry one. Higher-intensity sports: People who are engaged in high-intensity activities, like running, may not be able to wear a mask if it causes difficulty breathing.
Include COVID-19 prevention messages about behaviors that prevent spread of COVID-19 when communicating with staff, volunteers, officials, and families. This could include links, videos, and prevention messages in emails, on organization websites, and through the team and league’s social media accounts
Clean and disinfect shared objects and equipment (e.g., balls and equipment) between uses.
Discourage people from sharing items that are difficult to clean, sanitize, or disinfect. Recommend participants bring their own equipment such as water bottles. Do not let participants share towels, clothing, or other items they use to wipe their faces or hands.
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